Donna Del Oro
Donna Del Oro Updates
Donna Del Oro: Featured Author at California State Fair 2024, July 12th through the 28th; (Updated June 17th 2024)

Drop by the Author's Pavilion, say hello and buy a book!
See me July 12th, 17th, and 22nd!
Another Award for Saving La Familia; (December 19th 2023 Updated)
The Bronze Medal for Best Romance 2023 by the International Latino Book Awards has been awarded to Saving La Familia by Donna Del Oro

Selling, Signing, and Socializing at the Sacramento Latino Book and Family Festival 2023
Awards for SAVING LA FAMILIA; August 28th 2022

Donna Del Oro gives acceptance speech for the Silver Falchion Award at the 2022 Killer Nashville International Conference.
(What a thrill and honor!)
Donna Del Oro and fellow Capitol Crimes author, James L'Etoile, winner of the Best Book Overall at the 2022 Killer Nashville International Conference
Awards for SAVING LA FAMILIA; August 28th 2022

Saving La Familia has won in the Comedy-Suspense category for the 2022 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Awards!
Updates on SAVING LA FAMILIA; February 10th 2022

Also available: by Donna Del Oro
Background of SAVING LA FAMILIA; January 20th 2022

Being bicultural/bilingual, I relied on my childhood memories and experiences with fellow latinos in Silicon Valley to bring alive some of the characters in my novel. My oldest and dearest friend, Connie Villalobos, became the model for Dina Salazar’s sweet beautician sister. My Hispanic grandmother, strong and wise, became the model for Dina’s Mexican-born grandmother, who recruits her to help her cousins trapped in Mexico and hiding from a dangerous drug cartel “padron.” The wry, humorous “dichos” at the beginning of each chapter come from the grandmother and Hispanic culture in general. I feel very privileged to have been raised in a bicultural/bilingual family and am blessed to have close cousins that remind me constantly of that unique heritage.
Balancing Life and Writing ; January 20th 2022
While I was teaching high school and community college, I had little time for anything else except raising a husband (ha!) and two children. I did write a novel or two during my thirty-four years of teaching and even gained the attention of a famous literary agent, Frieda Fishbein, but her efforts came to nothing. Finally, upon retirement I decided to return to writing novels. I sold my first novel immediately and all the others that followed, having decided to concentrate on small publishers and spin my wheels trying to please a literary agent. It was a decision I took half-heartedly but I was not prepared for novel writing to consume my life. Being retired, my husband and I have done a lot of traveling, some of which end up as settings in my novels. I love music and have sung with the Sacramento Valley Chorus for many years. Also, I love art and have been an avid collector for years. I love spending time with my family in California and Texas and so with all of these distractions, I do not write full-time. I tell my stories when I am inspired to do so.